
How to Reduce Employee Burnout: Retensa’s Employee Wellness strategies to support workforce printed in multiple publications

Strategies to Boost Employee Wellness Two publications – All Around Moving  and Launch House – collaborated with Retensa to get expert advice on the employee burnout effects, and tips to boost employee wellness. A disengaged workforce leads to a 60% increase in errors. This alarming reality is preventable when you know why employees “check out”. And right now, many are consumed with their health and safety, unable to focus on work.   One of the key questions answered in the articles were:   If employee [...]


Contact Center Pipeline Magazine Features Retensa in Cover Story on Wellness Strategies to Mitigate Stress & Burnout

Retensa’s take on Employee Wellness Strategies All employees are struggling with anxiety now more than ever. To address the mounting workforce mental health challenges, Contact Center Pipeline Magazine features Retensa in employee wellness July cover story, “Preventing Agent Burnout.” The article addresses the impact of COVID-19 on stress and anxiety felt by individuals at home and at work. And now for many, those are one and the same. There is no way to unplug. It is affecting productivity, motivation, and [...]


Wellness Programs, Ideas for Managers and Leadership: CU Management teams up with Retensa’s for article on managing employee wellness

Employee Wellness Program Ideas CU Management teamed up with Retensa to write an article “Managing Mental Wellness At Credit Unions”. With the COVID-19 pandemic and blurred boundary between work and home, the challenges faced by employees have escalated. The article talks about how it is important to recognize all are affected – managers, decision makers, front-line staff and gives examples of employee wellness programs and activities companies can do to support staff. Leaving it up to employees to self-assess and self-manage [...]


To support all employers during COVID-19, Retensa gives companies free global access to Employee Mental Wellness Toolkit

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY, July 2020: People avoid change. In the last few months, everyone across the globe were shoved out of their comfort zone – from going for a run in the park, to buying groceries, to the little things we took for granted. Like toilet paper. As we all try to adapt to this “new abnormal”, mounting stress is carried into work. Employee wellbeing now confronts every employer in every country like never before. Although its relevance [...]


Addressing Employee Mental Wellness: BIS features Retensa’s article ‘Stay Connected with your Workforce’

Tips to Manage Employee Wellness Employee mental health now confronts every employer in every country like never before. Although its relevance increased in recent years, the current global health event forced employers to rethink the importance of understanding employees’ state of mental health and overall wellness.   It’s apparent that happy, healthy and a productive workforce has a direct positive impact on business outcomes. Addressing employee mental wellness not only boosts morale but also helps to reduce employee turnover. Appreciating the importance of [...]


Employee Wellness Survey

Stay Connected with Your People, Now more than Ever This is an unprecedented time for everyone. Organizations face real challenges posed by ever changing conditions and new ways of working. Updates are sent to your staff, but are their concerns addressed?   How are they doing? What do they need to be supported? Do we really know? Get meaningful answers in 8 minutes with a new  FREE Employee Wellness survey   GET EMPLOYEE WELLNESS FEEDBACK   Retensa is here to help you understand and address the needs, [...]


Employee Turnover UNVEILED 2020: Webinar on Jan 23

 Employee Turnover UNVEILED 2020: Webinar on Jan 23 What are you giving your company this holiday season? Don’t worry, in the festive spirit of Retensa, we have the gift that keeps on giving: predictive retention analytics. Our statistician elves spent the year collecting and analyzing turnover data across 54 countries to identify who, what, where, and why employees leave.     It’s like a fruitcake of knowledge you’ll actually use.  If you’re on our nice list, get ready to learn: What is the top [...]


Employee Turnover UNVEILED 2019: Webinar on Dec 12

 Employee Turnover UNVEILED 2019: Webinar on Dec 12 What are you giving your company this holiday season? Don’t worry, in the festive spirit of Retensa, we have the gift that keeps on giving: predictive retention analytics. Our statistician elves spent the year collecting and analyzing turnover data across 54 countries to identify who, what, where, and why employees leave.     It’s like a fruitcake of knowledge you’ll actually use.  If you’re on our nice list, get ready to learn: What is the top [...]


6 Steps to Attract, Motivate, Retain Top Talent for Small-Midsized firms: Brio and Retensa Webinar – October 30

Brio and Retensa Webinar: 6 Steps to Attract, Motivate, Retain Top Talent for Small-Midsized firms Say goodbye to the goodbyes.   If you are a small to midsized firm, each employee matters. Having less resources means when one employee departs, it impacts everyone. Saying goodbye to a high performer can cost upwards of 1.5x to 2x an average employee’s salary (not including your mental sanity). Thankfully, Brio Benefits Consulting has invited Retensa to present an informative and interactive webinar on Wednesday, October [...]


Challenger Gray & Christmas invites Retensa to showcase talent analytics to HR Executive group: October 7th

Senior Talent Management Consultant, Talia Bender, and Chason Hecht, CEO, will present Talent Analytics & Retention Strategies to top HR Executives sponsored by Challenger Gray and Christmas How do you WOW your candidates? Well, Retensa’s experts are invited to explain how to “wow” high potentials for HR executives managing enterprise talent management programs.   Challenger Gray & Christmas welcomes Retensa on Monday, October 7th, 2019 to present their expertise, titled, “Built to Last: The Benefits that Attract & Retain Top Talent”. With [...]