Unlock the Future of Employee Engagement and Retention Strategies

Unlock the Future of Employee Engagement and Retention Strategies

Welcome to a transformative opportunity to shape the future of your workforce. Retensa, the employee retention research experts, and ZogSports, a leading provider of recreational sports leagues, invite you to be at the forefront of innovative insights.

As a key leader in shaping your organization’s culture – whether as a Director of Talent, an Employee Experience Coordinator, or a Chief People Officer – your influence is pivotal. From this research study, you can leverage how employee events influence the employee experience.





Elevate the Conversation

Your active involvement is the catalyst for elevating events that drive employee engagement and retention. As a workplace leader, your unique perspective enriches the collective understanding of best practices in modern talent management.

By joining this research study, you are doing more than answering questions…you are elevating the conversation. Thank you for contributing to a collaborative effort that will define industry standards and propel innovation in employee engagement.

Why Participate?

  • Pioneering Research: Receive the results of cutting-edge research to establish your organization as a leader in employee retention. Gain transformative insights to assess, measure and enhance retention and company culture.
  • Innovative People Analytics: Leverage the potential of people analytics to drive workplace development beyond traditional event planning. Baseline and benchmark key HR metrics to track and trend changes over time.
  • Tailored Recommendations: Receive personalized recommendations based on a full anonymized analysis of survey results, empowering your decision-making. Engage solutions that tackle broader challenges faced by today’s employers.
  • Networking Opportunities: Engage in meaningful conversations with industry experts, creating connections that extend beyond this study.


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