With over 1 MILLION participants trained, you can find an engaging and interactive speaker for your next conference event. For local and international speaking events, request experienced leadership trainers to be your next company culture keynote or retention speaker.
Associations, conferences, and organizations choose Retensa guest speakers when they want their participants to develop, motivate, and retain top talent. Expert HR speakers present on the latest employee strategies for your industry and provide passionate, interactive seminars with real-world examples and powerful results. Attendees consistently say they gain highly relevant and valuable insight applicable to their current needs. They now have action items they can take back to work with them, the SAME DAY.
Good HR speakers spend time with you to understand your organization’s challenges. Retensa creates a seminar customized to your specific needs and addresses the real-world issues your company or members are facing. Participants today want a speaker who connects with the audience, who knows their challenges, and they want learning with humor and wisdom. They have been to events before and trainees want to USE what they learn to be better at what they do.
Retensa’s human resources speakers are some of the most recognized top presenters in the world, speaking internationally to every audience from CEO’s of global companies to in-the-trenches staff of non-profit organizations. Join the list of successful events where an expert speaker launched and reinforced best practices in talent management and strategic HR solutions.
What can Retensa’s Expert Speakers do for your event?
The ability to develop, motivate, engage, and expand the capabilities of employees is a skill that can be taught. The right human resources trainer provides tools that connect participant experiences to their behaviors to their results. Managers and leaders who participate in Retensa’s interactive (and often fun) exercises, practice new behaviors that create new results. When rooted in their experience, people will choose a different action when faced with the same challenge. Retensa event speakers create experiences that transform participant’s perception of their talent management challenges, and therefore how they approach them.
It is our passion to provide insights and techniques to attract, develop, and retain a high performing workforce. The foundation for increased and sustainable growth is available to your organization through a Retensa guest speaker. Contact us to find a speaker that will achieve your event goals.
Who are some of Retensa’s Expert Speakers?
Find the top presenters on HR, talent management, retention, leadership and human resource strategies:
Chason Hecht
Employee Retention Expert
Chason Hecht is an advocate and innovator of employee retention strategies. He is a popular event speaker, the publisher of Employee Retention News, and the founder of Retensa, a firm dedicated to addressing the social and economic impact of employee turnover.
Area of Expertise
- People & Culture
- Workforce Technology
- Employee Pulse Surveys
- Predictive Analytics/HR Metrics
- Retaining Expatriates/Relocated Staff
Carol Ann Caccioppoli
Training and Development Expert
Carol Ann Caccioppoli has over 24 years experience as a learning and development trainer specializing in developing and retaining employees. She has been acclaimed in her ability to change a corporate culture by improving employee performance and motivation.
Area of Expertise
- Team Building
- Leadership Skills
- Management Skills
- Gender Communication
- Diversity Training
- Mentoring
Request Carol Ann for an Event
Chet Raymond
Learning and Development Expert
Mr. Raymond has successfully managed multiple simultaneous global engagements that included strategic planning, team building, recruitment, mentoring, service delivery, and profit and loss accountability. Mr. Raymond serves as a manager and mentor for project managers to both enhance their skills and improve project management discipline and capabilities.
Area of Expertise
- Organizational Development
- Leadership Development
- Executive Coaching
- Professional Skills Coaching
- Diversity Initiatives
Phyllis Rosen
Coaching and Mentoring Expert
Phyllis Rosen is a public speaker who has over 23 years’ experience in employee coaching and development. She is a trainer, career management professional and a professionally certified coach bringing proven personal and professional growth techniques to reach new levels of performance.
Area of Expertise
- Employee Motivation
- Mentoring
- Executive Coaching
- Using Assessment Tools
- Career Management
- Work/Life Balance
- MBTI assessment
What seminars can HR speakers present?
Recent workshop requests include:
- Accountant Retention: How to Attract, Engage, and Retain Top Talent
- Before, During, and After Relocation: How to Retain Transferees
- Calculate the Cost of Turnover: How Many, How Much, and How to Reduce it
- Combat Construction Turnover: Retain Employees in a Business of “Dirty Jobs”
- Creating a Culture of Recognition: Success through Appreciation
- Creating the Retention Environment in the Virtual Workplace
- Diversity Works: Your Employees and Your Bottom Line
- Driving Team Performance: How to Accelerate Workgroup Goals
- Exceptional Employee Performance: How to Motivate and Engage Today
- Fact vs. Fiction: How Health and Wellness Impacts Productivity and Profit
- High Potentials vs. High Performer: Succession Planning with an Ever-changing Workforce
- How to Motivate and Retain IT Workers
- HR Metrics in Global Organizations: What, When, How, & How Not to Deliver Them
- Leadership Strategies to Inspire and Motivate in High-Stress Workplaces
- Motivating Across Generations
- No Time and No Budget: Executive Strategies to Motivate and Retain Employees
- Recruit – Relocate – Retain: Mobility Strategies for Employee Retention
- Recruit to Last: How to Select and Hire Loyal Employees
- Retaining Transferees: How to Predict and Prevent Expatriate Turnover
- Retention 2020: Separating Myth from Fact in a Forecast of HealthcareChallenges
- The Employee Turnover Epidemic in Healthcare and How to Stop It
- The Financial Impact of Employee Turnover: Cost-Benefit and Your Bottom Line
- The HR Metrics Dashboard: How HR Reduces Costs and Exceeds Business Goals
- Using HR Metrics to Transform HR and Drive Organizational Improvement
- Women’s Retention Programs: Opportunities for Competitive Advantage
- And many more…call for a custom topic to suit your audience
Find a Speaker for International Top Presenters
With speaking experience in the US, UK, Canada, Europe, and Asia, HR Speaker presentation locations include:
- Banff, Canada
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Madison, Wisconsin
- Munich, Germany
- New York, New York
- Noordwijk, Holland
- Orlando, Florida
- Paris, France
- Vienna, Austria
- Washington, DC
- Zurich, Switzerland
Keynote and HR Speaker Pricing options
Retensa can provide guest speakers with multiple pricing options. We will work with you to customize a speaking event that addresses your needs and fits within your budget.
Do you need a guest speaker right now? Call +1 (212) 545 -1280, with your event date and the audience profile. You can select different expert speaker pricing options.