Tag - hiring process

The New Customer: Your Workforce

Pharmaceutical companies create consumer loyalty by promising to improve quality of life. The same approach is becoming adapted as one of the most effective workforce talent management strategies. “Firms that do not align employee and firm needs increase the likelihood that employees will leave and leave less talented employees behind to finish the job.” –  Chason Hecht, President, Retensa The greatest impact on the cost of doing business in the past 20 years has been employee turnover.  Losing top talent to the competition [...]


Recruit to Retain: How the Hiring Process Can be Your Most Effective Retention Strategy

Hiring the right person for the job is crucial in a small business. Here’s what you need to know before, during and after the interview. “Would you hire all of your employees again?” Unfortunately, a lot of business owners would say no. Hiring right the first time is one of your most important tasks, and the last thing you want to do is hire the wrong person – or hire the right one who winds up leaving for a better [...]